A whirlwind of post-election thoughts

Facebook lit up tonight with fires of celebration and flames of damnation. Followers of Jesus ought not to be warming themselves at either blaze. The results of this election are not a cause to celebrate; the President’s re-election does not establish justice and will not ring in the Kingdom of God. By the same token, anyone who placed his hope for America’s future in the challenger was either deceiving himself or allowing others to do it for him.

So many thoughts are swirling in my head, I know there will be no sleep any time soon. Better to get them out of my head and onto “paper.”

— Followers of Jesus who opposed the President’s re-election must accept that God has his reasons for allowing him another term in office. Many conservative, church-going Americans have been so comfortable in life and so accustomed to getting what they want that they have a hard time processing setbacks. We need a better understanding of God’s sovereignty in evil times. Meditate on the possibility that God’s will in this election was the opposite of what you wanted.

— Followers of Jesus who supported the President’s re-election need to understand that God Almighty did not give him another four years in office because he is pleased with the man or this country. While the man claims the Name, his words and deeds make a lie of that profession. The President, like much of mainline Christianity, needs to go back to the Word, listen to what the Lord actually says, and conform their minds and hearts to the truth. This country needs to realize it has been sowing the wind and will reap the whirlwind if it does not turn back. Our people — liberal and conservative, rich and poor, Christian and not — are living for themselves, when they should be honoring God and walking in his righteous path.

— The churches, at long last, need to accept that their approach to mission has been failing. The problem is not that most people reject the Gospel (though some indeed do), but that too many churches are not proclaiming the good news that the Kingdom of God is among us and proving it by the way they live among God’s lost children. Lost people will not believe you when you say God is love but demonstrate no love for your neighbor, your enemies, or even each other. Lost people don’t want a god whose only interest is their afterlife, whose “saved” people are as broken and hurting as they are, and whose churches are preoccupied with themselves.

— Ahab’s desire for Jezebel was his undoing, and Israel suffered. Our President wants America to repent of its arrogance and be humbled so the world’s Muslims will forgive us and become our strong friends, yet he aligns himself with everything abhorrent to earnest Muslims. When you celebrate your associations with Hollywood and campaign on a platform of casual abortion and homosexual marriage, you must not be surprised when sincere Muslims throw their shoes at you — and Islamists train their weapons on your people instead of laying them down.

— Republican Christians, you followed a Saul when you needed a David. The elite powerbrokers of the GOP care nothing for you, your values, or your Lord. They continue to select candidates from the pool of rich white men who think it’s their turn to run for President. They pay lip service to the issues that matter to you, with no intention of actually implementing the policies you want. And you continue to attend their parties, homely girls who stand to one side, sipping punch and hoping a cute boy will ask them to dance. How many more of their dates will you put on your calendar? You need to either take charge of their party planning or organize your own events. You aren’t going to meet your David this way.

— The most serious bankruptcy facing this country is not financial. This government’s social and fiscal policies are indeed going to drive the country into bankruptcy. Liberals in this country have not learned the lesson of socialism’s foolishness: A dead goose doesn’t keep laying golden eggs. But far worse than financial ruin is the moral and spiritual bankruptcy that has engulfed our people. We think we have a right to prosperity without hard work. We expect selfish rich people to just hand over their money and keep making more. We think the government can solve our problems by expanding its programs. The truth is, we are a selfish people bent on satisfying our appetites. We want to enjoy our fleshly pleasures, and we expect medical science to rescue us from the deadly consequences. We want all the amenities and gadgets 21st century technology can invent, and we don’t want to pay the credit card bills. We want to be amused with porn and silly entertainers, and we demand the prophets either tell us what we want to hear or be silenced. We want truth to be whatever we imagine it to be, and we want God to smile and bless us anyway. Guess what?

— Earnest Christians in the United States need to agree that our country is deadheading into oblivion. We need to step away from the culture — on both sides of the country’s liberal/conservative divide. We need to cry out about the danger ahead and speak truth to the powers driving us toward it. We need to find the common ground where all authentic followers of Jesus can stand together. We need to proclaim liberty for the captives, sight for the blind, and freedom for the oppressed. We need to love each other, love our enemies, and love our neighbors the way we love ourselves. We need to quit kidding ourselves that any candidate these parties offer us actually understands our needs and how to lead us into the Promised Land. We need to get focused on Jesus and seek his Kingdom first and foremost. We need to get serious about making disciples.

And one last thought: When you know you are headed into a dark place, take Light with you.

About Mark Kelly

Jesus follower, Bible reader, husband/father/son/brother/uncle/grandfather, hiker, writer/editor, snapshooter
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22 Responses to A whirlwind of post-election thoughts

  1. Pingback: My kingdom is not of this world! | Right Wing Nuts and Bolts

  2. Wow, thank your for taking the time to share this because I for one happen to believe right long with you in most every regard here. As I too have discovered, these type of honest commentaries/essays aren’t going to win you any friends or make you the most popular person on the net, however…the profoundness of what you state is undeniable, “easily passing” the proverbial test as discerned for me by God’s Holy Spirit. Thank you once again, and may peace and God’s blessings always be with and upon you!

  3. Darci says:

    Thank you for your thought provoking words. So true!

  4. I agree with you and would like to take it one step further. What kept me awake last night was we prayed so hard for what was good, and we lost. So for some reason God said no to us wanting a more christian nation. Every one that knows the bible knows that God judges the nations that turned there backs on him. Bible prophecy tells us that He will judge us all. Revelations tells of future happenings. Could this be why God didnt answer our prayers. He is getting ready to judge America. God help us all. I have not been to worried about Revelation and the end time but I am really concerned now. This is the first time my mind has gone there. Is God getting us ready for the trials to come? I dont know. We better keep praying and listening to God. God is about to deliver judgement on a corrupt nation.

    • Jason Lantz says:

      While I understand your concern, I don’t think God said “no” to us wanting a more Christian nation. For God to not want people to become believers would be contrary to God’s nature (for God is willing that none should perish). Instead, it would seem that God was saying, “That is not my chosen method.” God didn’t just magically change the hearts of nations, he sent prophets to proclaim his word and call people to repentance (i.e. Jonah). Continue to pray for what is good, but also continue to share what is good with everyone you know, which is the Gospel.

  5. Janet Mackey says:

    I think this is the most eloquently written, truthful statement about America and her political cesspool that has ever been committed to paper! Bravo! You just said everything I wished I knew how to say. May we all wake up to what God is calling us to do in this nation. He is in control, and He is our only hope. God bless you!

  6. sbrobst says:

    Thank you. You have just shared far better than I could what has been on my heart today. Will be sharing this.

  7. marisaporter says:

    I have my own thoughts about Gods will but I agree with much of this.

  8. gnstr says:

    “We think we have a right to prosperity without hard work. We expect selfish rich people to just hand over their money and keep making more. We think the government can solve our problems by expanding its programs. The truth is, we are a selfish people bent on satisfying our appetites. “Goodness, I wish more people read this. Its true, the most relevant, precise and truthful voices are never heard. Only the idiot’s vuvuzela triumphs. Despite the guidance from the scriptures, Christianity and Politics in the 21st century increasingly look like incompatible bedfellows. More so because many Christians simply don’t get it, they have become so comfortable in their ways, they can’t see anymore. They have become blind. Great writing, preach it my brother!

  9. sweetface13087 says:

    Your post is good. Everyone has their own opinion. But this country chose George Bush for 8 years, then this country can pick Obama for 8 as well. He hasn’t done a lot but he is trying. He came into an already f****d up economy and now he is fixing. All we can do is stand by him, help him out. Without unity nothing will get accomplish. God likes unity

  10. Chris DeLuca says:

    “Republican Christians, you followed a Saul when you needed a David. The elite powerbrokers of the GOP care nothing for you, your values, or your Lord. They continue to select candidates from the pool of rich white men who think it’s their turn to run for President. They pay lip service to the issues that matter to you, with no intention of actually implementing the policies you want.”

    To ME… THIS was the most important part of the entire essay. I honestly feel that we, as Americans, have GOT to get over the fact that our elected leaders (or anyone who WANTS to be an elected leader) be true, blue God-fearing Christians. They are NOT. They are, as stated above, a “pool of rich white men who think it’s their turn to run.” They will tell you ANYTHING that they think you want to hear to get them elected. That’s it, folks! There is a separation of Church and State in this country. Always has been and always will be. Stop expecting your government to be Christian. It is NOT! What you WANT and what is FACT are not always the same thing. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

  11. Curt Moore says:

    “Who are you who are so wise in the ways of the world?” -Great and challenging thoughts. Thanks.

  12. One post I saw said we lost & went on about not becoming a more Christian nation. Remember the Mormans are not Christians! They beleive they can become a god! The devil sure is tricky on both sides!

  13. bhamjohnson says:

    Do you remember the genocide of Rwanda? I mention it because it was fueled by hate mongers by radio–a constant diet of hate. In contrast, I believer there will be a “kingdom on earth” as Jesus prayed, and I believe we should work toward it. I wish we could imagine heaven on earth instead of imagining how horrible everything is. As you carry a candle in the dark, please look for people serving others at their jobs, in their churches, volunteering civically and emailing Congressmen. I don’t think we serve the Lord by fantasizing doomsday. Live by these: “Faith, Hope, and LOVE”! (Hope is a big piece and love comes when we help the ones we don’t agree with.) LOVE your neighbor!

  14. Excellent!!! Very well stated!

  15. Well said, thanks for sharing, given me much to meditate and pray on today!!

  16. Charles says:

    Everything’s been planned by our God. Time will come. We better be prepared for Jesus will save those who believes in Him.

  17. Ron Leibl says:

    Does the writer of this have Divine Providence?

  18. kainos says:

    It’s not clear to me what you’re asking. Could you make the question more specific?

  19. John Piscola says:

    great brother! i shared it

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